Book Review: Above Empyrean

On August 24, 2008, in Book Reviews, by ralph


Above Empyrean is a recent novel written by Bruce Herschensohn. It’s based on a scenario in which Islamic terrorists have taken over the U.S. Although it certainly can be characterized as a thriller-type novel, it is much more. The author presents a very clear and reasoned history lesson on U.S. conflict and provides much food-for-thought concerning the use of diplomacy versus a military response. The writing style makes this book a very easy read and his humor and wit is evident throughout. There is even a budding romance and spiritual component to the story. I found the book to be very entertaining as well as educational.

I believe this is a must read before the November presidential elections. I think it cuts through the current politically correct mindset we seem to be bombarded with in our media and our elected politicians. Highly recommended.

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